Integrations can be made either via the ESB or via the API gateway (Gravitee portal)
API gateways are preferred in interface publications.
Key Principles for Choosing the Right Integration Tool
- If the integration is complex and requires data transformation or combining different data sources, ESB performs better.
- Tightly-coupled integrations between two systems with only one consumer can be done through ESB.
- If the integration requires other business logic, it should be implemented through ESB.
- Integrations implemented with ESB can also be published in API gateways if they have APIs.
Benefits of API Gateways
- Offers an API catalog, making APIs available and visible to others.
- Enables quick self-service API creation and directs to Swagger/Openapi documentation.
- Allows API reuse when they are publicly available in the catalog and documented.
- Facilitates management of the API ecosystem by providing a unified interface.
- The gateway is manageable through a REST API, and provides statistics and CI/CD support.
Slack #api-management
Teams: Sovelluskehityksen viitearkkitehtuurin suunnitteluryhmä
See also